How to Write a Tax Efficient Will

I help families in the United Kingdom write tax efficient wills, enabling them to save 40% inheritance tax which they may otherwise, be obliged to pay. This preserves a bigger portion of your wealth for your loved ones.
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About This Product:

Wouldn't it be great if you could save 40% more of your estate for the benefit of your loved ones? 

Are you worried about the 40% inheritance tax here in the UK?  Then this course is for you. 

Learn how to write a tax efficient will, saving you 40% inheritance tax,  more of your estate for the benefit of your loved ones. 

Jack wanted to write a Will, but he was worried about the 40% tax rate in the UK. He knew that he could write his own will or get a FREE will online, but such a Will would not take into consideration his inheritance tax position. 

Trying to understand the workings of inheritance tax always tied him up in knots. He knew that with the benefit of that knowledge he would be able to make more informed decisions about the contents of his Will, or whether he needed to take action to save the 40% inheritance tax.

He had paid tax all his life and wanted to leave as much as possible to his loved ones, but the 40% inheritance tax rules bothered him. He did not understand them and wanted to know more. His lack of knowledge would defeat his very intention to leave as much as possible to his loved ones. 

He had searched high and low for material which would help him combine Wills with inheritance tax in a simple, easy to understand method, providing examples. He had found nothing, until he stumbled upon How to Write a Tax Efficient Will by Deborah Bowers. It had been a #1 Bestseller on Amazon for Tax Law and now it is being accompanied by this course to take you through all you need to know. 

Jack knew that he had found just what he was looking for. He could now be enlightened about  the rules of inheritance tax via this course  and the book. He would be able to refer to both sources time and time again. 

He had found the answer he had been seeking. He enrolled on the course and secured his copy of the book from Now he will be able to preserve more of his wealth for his loved ones. 

Join me today to learn how to save inheritance tax and write a tax efficient Will. 

Program Details

Mastering Inheritance Tax
Available Now

What are you worth?
Available Now

The Rules
Available Now
BONUS: Worksheet summary of the Rules & Exemptions
Available Now
BONUS: Worksheet summary of the Lifetime Exemptions
Available Now
The Seven Years Rule
Available Now

How inheritance tax applies to you if you are single, married or have a business.
Available Now
Merged Families
Available Now

Why Write a Will?
Available Now
Roles People Play
Available Now
Wills in Contemplation of Marriage
Available Now

Introduction and Revocation
Available Now
Appointment of Executors and Trustees
Available Now
Appointment of Guardians for minors
Available Now
Payment of debts and funeral expenses
Available Now
The Distribution of Assets
Available Now
Participating in organ donation or opting out.
Available Now
Making Arrangements for Your Pets
Available Now

The STEP Standard Provisions (2nd Edition)
Available Now

BONUS: Sample Letter of Wishes
Available Now

Who can sign the Will?
Available Now
Storing Your Will.
Available Now
BONUS -Extra. Sample Will Template.
Available Now
BONUS: Signing Instructions
Available Now

What is a Holograph Will?
Available Now
BONUS: Sample Holograph Will
Available Now

The Intestacy Rules of England & Wales
Available Now
The Intestacy Rules of Scotland
Available Now

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Deborah Bowers

An experienced legal professional, passionate about life and understanding how to navigate its rules. The Inheritance Tax provisions have always intrigued me. I have asked myself "Why do I need to sell my asset to pay the tax?
See Full Biography >
The mere thought of having to sell the asset that I was left to pay the tax lead me to studying the STEP Advanced Certificate in Will Writing and use my legal expertise as a Solicitor of England and Wales to help others write Tax Efficient Wills. 
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Disclosure: Individual’s experiences may vary, as background, education, experience, and work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee. We do not give investment advice, tax advice, or other professional advice. Reference to specific services should not be construed as professional advice. You should always consult a licensed accountant, solicitor, or professional.